Build a good looking resume, free and easy peasy!

If you are struggling to make that nice looking CV, that will impress the receiver, and you don’t want to pay the premium that all the resume builders out there end up charging (ie. then look no further!

I’ve spent a small portion of my life, to remove a small portion of pain from yours.

Online resume builder, built for technical people, but useful for everyone.

I’ve built this resume builder with focus on landing software development related jobs - everything from junior software developers to CTO positions. The resume builder makes it easy to change everything inside the resume, so you can probably use it for any type of work.

The default template has sections for Introduction, Experiences, Education, Key Competencies, Skills, Languages, Projects, Speaks and your background. Every section title can be renamed, and if you leave a section blank, it will not be part of the resume, once you download it.

Get started

This video demonstrates how easy the resume builder is to use and showcases all its features, including saving and loading existing resumes.

Your data is your own!

As an IT professional, I know the value of keeping data safe. The easiest way to keep data safe, is to not keep the data at all. When you build and download your resume with this resume builder, all the data is kept inside the PDF document, which you can then save wherever you want.

When you want to alter your resume, you don’t have to login to anything - all you do, is to drag-and-drop your existing resume into the resume builder, and then you can continue working on your resume!

The motivation

” Don’t trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. The ’why’ of a thing. That’s the foundation. ”

Donald, Interstellar

As CTO / Tech Director / Enginering Lead, I’ve hired a few dozen engineers the past many years. Thankfully I’ve mostly seen well-structured and somewhat good looking resumes, but now and then, I’ve received some resumes that made me wonder if the applicant really wanted the position.

One time I even received a .docx CV that I struggled to open (because I didn’t have Word or Pages installed on my MacBook), and when I succeeded, the format was so much off, I really couldn’t read the content. You don’t want to be that guy.

It’s difficult to change your past experiences, and I wouldn’t suggest being creative in that direction, but one thing you can control: the look and feel of your resume.

The layoff

After seven years building TestaViva from zero to hero, I found myself in a position where I had to pass my CV around.

My CV was outdated and not looking very good. I hadn’t really used it for a decade, and back when I created it, I used Word. Word is good for many things, but not for layout (at least, I’m not good at doing layouts in Word).

I fought a short battle with Word, but quickly gave in, and looked at the nice resume builders available. Most of them made a lot of promises that they really couldn’t keep, and even though I tried a few, I was never really happy with the end result. For most of them, the free templates was just not that impressive and the premium too high for my taste.

Back to my roots

I’m for sure no designer (although I have a good aesthetic sense for web designs), and CSS is not my favorite end of the full-stack spectrum. I have built a ton of websites tho, and HTML + CSS gave me the flexibility that neither Word nor resume builders provided.

So I decided to build my new resume in HTML. That went pretty fast, and within a few hours, I was satisfied. I believe that the best CV’s are the ones you gear towards the position you apply for, and although HTML is great, it can be cumbersome to edit.


As a self-pronouced expert in JavaScript and React, I figured that I could easily convert the static HTML to a dynamic React application. Work, life, and everything else got in the way, but here we are. One year later, and the project is finally done.

I use the resume builder for my own CV, so in that sense the project is already valuable for me. But of course, my hope is that someone else will also find this useful :)